Experience 8 months after joining Babyclon®

Hello everybody! After a long time without updating the blog, we are back with a lot of strength! From now on we promise that every week we will update it with all the news and surprises.

First of all I will introduce myself, my name is Aitor and since August I am the secretary of Babyclon®. I am going to write the first blog of this year and I thought that the best way was to explain a little of the experience I have had during these 8 months in this company.

Before I started working I didn’t know anything about this world, I only knew that in my town there was a company that made babies and sold them all over the world, so I was very excited. The first impression I had was that it was a very innovative company, with a very young team and that I could fit in perfectly.

During all this time, I have discovered this world, almost without limits of creativity, I have spoken with thousands of people from all over the world and I have tried to solve all the doubts and requests of all the clients. I have also investigated a bit since the beginnings of Babyclon® and I have seen the evolution, both in the models, up to the best work of art, which for me, has been the exact replica of Cristina’s father.

I looked at the eyes that were used at the beginning and the ones we have now and it is an incredible difference, not to mention the extra hyper-realistic eyes that are a marvel. Or the definitive hair, which solves the big problem in silicone, which is the fragility of the normal hair graft.

From the beginning I also noticed that there were people who discredited the work of Cristina and the whole Babyclon® team, insisting that the sculptures were stolen from other artists. On this subject, from my experience here, I can only say that I saw the beginnings of the Kelowna model, or the replicas that Cristina has sculpted in front of me, and that completely silenced these false rumours.

Sometimes not everything goes, and I honestly believe that you can’t expect to succeed in something by trying to bring someone else down. And we want to inform that in the end, the whole truth always comes out and that’s why we have joined IADA, an association that goes against plagiarism and theft of other artists and we are very happy!

So, in conclusion, my experience in these 8 months working at Babyclon® has been to see that there is always something new to learn, and that Babyclon® fulfils dreams of many people. I also wanted to thank all those people who contact us and that without you, this team would not exist.

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