Babyclon® family: Roger

Hello, welcome one more day to our blog! Today we are back with our Babyclon® family section! What better way to show the heart of Babyclon® than introducing everyone who is part of this team that makes dreams come true for so many people.

Today we take a look at the department that is perhaps the least visible, but is where it all begins and without this department, Babyclon® would not be alive. Yes, the administration department.

Everything starts here, the contact with the people, the control of the networks, keeping everyone informed and the organisation of all the orders. It’s not all about creating, it has to be managed!

And this is where Roger comes in. Roger was born on 07 April 1979 and is the second brother of the Iglesias Mauri family.

When Babyclon® moved to its new headquarters in Cristina’s hometown, Roger started his adventure in Babyclon® 3 years and 6 months ago, becoming Cristina’s right hand.

“Roger is an essential pillar for me, because he is a very rational person, he gives me a dose of reality when my imagination goes beyond, he stops me for a moment and helps me to get things right. His work is not very visible, but his failure has repercussions on production, economics, management, etc. If he fails, we all fail, which is why he is such an important part of the company” – Cristina confesses.

Although he not only manages Babyclon®, but also the rest of our company’s projects, Clonfactory: purchases, orders, networks, contacts, can you ask for more?

Yes, she does a very important step and that is the packaging of each baby, checking that the baby is perfect and taking care of every detail because she knows that it is the first impression after opening that magical box that makes your heart soar and fills you with joy.

“Roger is very organised and polished in his work, nothing escapes him. When he packs, it seems like a machine does it, because he takes care of the smallest detail in every order”. – says Sandra from the assembly department.

We asked the protagonist of today’s story a little about his experience at Babyclon® and he tells us this:

“The experience working with the whole team is very good. My specific task is not in the process of creating the sculptures, but I am involved in customer service, administration, packaging and shipping. This does not detract from the fact that I feel that I am part of the fantastic Babyclon® team. It’s a gear that works almost perfectly in every job or project we do.

On a day-to-day basis, and in many of the decisions that have to be made, Cristina makes all the members of the Babyclon® workshop feel part of it and get involved, each one contributing their opinions and often reaching a consensus on the final decisions. This makes you appreciate the workplace and the team you belong to. As for the working environment, it can be said that the experience is very enriching. In the Babyclon® workshop there is a positive atmosphere in general, which helps the effort and the result of the work”.

All in all, a great group and a great working atmosphere, and jobs valued by the management.

As you can see, each department has a vital importance, they all have to go hand in hand to create these babies that are a little piece of all those who make up this great family.

And so far our blog today, as we always say, if you want us to talk about any special topic, please write to and we will dedicate the blog to that topic.


Have a great weekend and see you in the next blog!

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