We’re already on TIK TOK!

Hello everyone! Today’s blog is to introduce you to the new profile we have created on the TIK TOK platform.

Social networks today are the platforms that allow us to connect and interact with all of you and make you participants in everything we do.

Until recently we were only present on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, where we show each baby who goes to his new home, news, raffles, etc.

Here are the links of each profile in case you do not follow us, I recommend it if you do not want to miss anything.

I also take this opportunity to thank you all, because we have reached 10,000 subscribers on our YOUTUBE channel. Thank you so much!

And now we join the TIKTOK platform, where we are going to publish new, fresher content that allows us to interact directly with you and show you the most human part of Babyclon®. With the option to ask ourselves questions, we will be able to answer you directly with a video, so we will be happy to ask us all the questions, to show you the heart of Babyclon®.

Most of the videos, we also share them on the other social networks, but there will be videos that will be exclusive to TIK TOK, so I recommend that you start following us, if you want to see everything we are going to teach.

This is the link of our TIK TOK:



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